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Safety Plan Cards

Safety Planning is a process of taking the time to write down signals that your loved one is headed for emotional or mental distress, and the steps to take to stay healthy and safe.

Distress can lead to many unhealthy behaviors (arguments, violence, problems at school or work, self-injury, substance abuse, stealing, suicide). Having a plan to avoid those behaviors, and being prepared during stressful times can help you feel more confident and hopeful.

We encourage you to fill out the My Safety Plan with your loved one. When one or both of you recognize the first signals of distress, put My Safety Plan steps into action.

The more thought put into the plan, the better it will work. Update it when you discover new signals, new coping skills, and new sources of support.


Safety Plan Cards PDF file

Tool Kit LinkSafety Plan Cards LinkNewsletter Link


800-273-TALK (8255)


Macomb County Suicide Prevention Coalition
The Macomb County Suicide Prevention Coalition (MacombSPC) is incorporated as a stand-alone charitable organization governed by concerned professionals and citizens. The MacombSPC is not a corporate affiliate of either Macomb County Community Mental Health or the County of Macomb.

The contents of this website were made possible by the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrating Schools and Mental Health Systems Grant. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government